Children’s letter about their Pink Lady® apple loving pony prompts generous donation to horse sanctuary

Pink Lady® apples has recently put smiles on the faces of three pony-loving children from Essex. In response to a letter the girls wrote to Pink Lady® during their school holidays, the leading apple brand has made a donation to a horse and pony sanctuary near their home.

Children’s letter about their Pink Lady® apple loving pony prompts generous donation to horse sanctuary

Sisters, Jessica (8) and Esme (7) and their cousin Orla (3) wrote to Pink Lady® apples about their pony, Mac, who loves to snack on the rosy fruit. Their letter explained that Mac had been rescued from a tough life at a riding stables where he had been mistreated, and so they like to spoil him with his favourite juicy apples and look after him.

The team at Pink Lady® were so impressed with the girls’ letter and their pictures of Mac enjoying his new life surrounded by their apples that they got in touch with the cousins to arrange a special delivery of apples for Mac and a donation in his name to local horse and pony sanctuary Redwings Ada Cole.

Pink Lady®’s PR and social manager Kyla Flynn says: “We were really touched by Jess, Esme and Orla’s devotion to their pony, saving their pennies to treat him with our apples. But not every pony is as fortunate as Mac, so we wanted to do our bit to help look after some of the other horses and ponies that need to be rescued. We chose to donate to Redwings to help them look after other equines and show them some of the love that the girls give Mac each day.”

Pink Lady® has donated to Redwings Ada Cole which is based near Harlow in Essex, not far from Mac’s new home with his young owners. Home to over 80 rescued horses, ponies, donkeys and mules, the centre is part of the national animal welfare charity, Redwings Horse Sanctuary, which has grown to be the largest horse sanctuary in the UK, working to save neglected and abused equines whose futures would otherwise be bleak. Currently, Redwings is responsible for over 2,000 rescued horses and donkeys across the country, including 700 living out on permanent loan in guardian homes.

Debbie Scott, head of fundraising at Redwings explains what the donation means to the charity: “We’re incredibly grateful to Pink Lady® apples for their generous donation. It’s fantastic to hear of the wonderful life Mac enjoys with his young owners, but sadly we have so many horses and donkeys in our care that haven’t had such loving starts to their lives and this donation is a wonderful way of supporting them. We can use the contribution from Pink Lady® to fund 100 nutritious feeds for our horses or buy enough hay to feed over thirty of our rescued residents for a whole month. As a charity 100% funded by donations, this will make a real difference.”