Coregeo® joins international alliance in Tasmania

Coregeo® joined other key players from across the globe at the Annual Meeting of the International Pink Lady® Alliance (IPLA) in Tasmania in September.

Coregeo® joins international alliance in Tasmania

Around 40 attendees, representing a worldwide network of import and export licensees, were at the event, which was hosted by Apple and Pear Australia Ltd (APAL) from 27-30 September. Managing Director Andy Macdonald and Chief Marketing Officer Michelle Toft represented Coregeo® at the meeting in Hobart.

The IPLA is an international alliance of key Pink Lady® managers representing primary production and trading territories around the world. The Annual Meeting provides an opportunity for face-to-face discussions between the key players from around the globe and also provides a forum for policy development in respect of the Pink Lady® brand to support the brand’s continuing success.