Record sales of Tenderstem®

Sales of Tenderstem® have exceeded 5 million kilos after the first five months of the year – 20% up on the same period in 2017. Visitors to the brand’s website have also risen by 83% during the same period. Three-quarters of visits now come from mobile and tablet devices.

Record sales of Tenderstem®

Tenderstem® wins gold

Tenderstem® has won two Gold Awards. Frozen Tenderstem® won Gold in the Best New Vegetable-based Product in Retail at the British Frozen Food Federation Awards. This award came hot on the heels of Tenderstem® winning Gold for our ‘Make Every Dish a Little Adventure’ creative campaign at the FAB Awards (Press and print).

Headline act

Tenderstem® was the headline sponsor of the annual Guild of Food Writers Awards in June. These awards recognise outstanding achievement in areas where food writers work and have influence. They are the only awards judged entirely by entrants' peers: professional food writers, journalists, editors and broadcasters. 

Visit the new Tenderstem® website at