Winner of the Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year 2014

Pink Lady® have crowned the 2014 Food Photographer of the Year, and the winner’s of all the group categories are announced.

Winner of the Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year 2014

Yorkshire photographer Tessa Bunney has been announced as the winner of the third Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year Awards and was awarded the overall prize of £5,000. Tessa, whose winning photograph of a woman making noodles, taken in Lao PDR, was named as the overall winner of the prestigious international award scheme after also winning the Food in Action category. The awards were presented at a champagne reception at London’s The Mall Galleries, where the worlds of food and photography came together for an evening of celebration.

More than 6,000 images were entered into the competition this year, double the amount that were entered in the first year of the competition. From these, 400 were shortlisted and category winners were chosen.

The gallery of shortlisted images can be found at

The images were judged by a panel of 33 experts in the worlds of food and photography including restaurateur, chef and author, Yotam Ottolenghi, TV presenter Julia Bradbury and leading food photographer to Jamie Oliver, David Loftus. For the second year, journalist, broadcaster and restaurant critic, Jay Rayner chaired the judging panel of 33 and compered the reception attended by more than 400 people from around the world.

Three new categories were added to the competition this year: Politics of Food, Unearthed® Food in Film and ‘Food Sn-Apping’. The latter was dedicated to images captured on mobile phones. The pictures were entered using a downloadable app and £2 per image has been donated to the charity Action Against Hunger.

Andy Macdonald, Managing Director of Coregeo, Master Licensor of Pink Lady® apples in the UK, says: “It is a delight to see the awards go from strength to strength with the third year being the most popular yet. It’s been a pleasure to be involved with such a prolific annual international cultural event that celebrates and rewards such high standards of a growing art form – food photography.”

Category Winners:

• Cream of the Crop: Louise Lister (Australia) – Spanner Crab

• Food in the Street: David Thompson (UK) – Making Jian Bao

• Food in the Field: Manuela Ruther (Germany) – Blue Sweetheart Cabbage

• Food and its Place: Jonathan Gregson (UK) – Coffee Roasting, Rwanda

• Food for Sale: Emma Wood (UK) – Potato Stall, Chile

• Food for Celebration: Tuan Nguyen (Vietnam) – Two Old Ladies Preparing ‘Tet’

• Food Sn-apping: Peter Cassidy (UK) – Gelati

• StockFood Food off the Press: Caroline Martin (Germany) – Roasted Pigeons

• Philip Harben Award for Food in Action: Tessa Bunney (Laos PDR) – Noodle Making

• Food Portraiture: Nicole Branan (USA) – Barbecue Ribs

• An Apple a Day: William Hondokusomo (Indonesia) – A Week’s Apples

• Food Bloggers: Aniko Meneghinine Szabo (Italy) – Making Strawberry Sauce

• Politics of Food: Sandro Maddalena (Italy) – Piggery in Garbage City, Cairo

• Lifetime Achievement Award – Tessa Traeger (UK) • Young: 10 and under: Eden Crossley (UK) – Cheeky Monkey!

• Young 11-14: Katie Woodhouse (UK) Lollipop Lawn

• Young 15-17: Lione Clare (USA) – Crafting Tortillas

• Errazuriz sub category – Produce: Owen Franken (France) – Two Bottles

• Errazuriz sub category – People: Jon Wyand (UK) – Dominique Lafon Tasting At His Cellars

• Errazuriz sub category –Places: Jon Wyand (UK) – Chateau Corton Andre and Les Perrieres Vineyard

• Errazuriz Wine Photographer of the Year 2014: Jon Wyand – Dominique Lafon Tasting At His Cellars

• Unearthed® Food in Film – Documentary: Klaus Einwanger (Germany) – A Truly British Chef

• Unearthed® Food in Film – Non-Documentary: Yuki Sugiura (UK) – Florentine Animation

• Unearthed® Food in Film Overall Winner 2014: Yuki Sugiura (UK) – Florentine Animation